Bio-Crystallography Teaching and Research Area
Institute for Environmental Research
Physical Geography and Climatology Teaching and Research Area
Teaching and Research Field Geology - Endogenous Dynamics (GED)
Geological Institute (GIA)
Chair of Organic Biochemistry in Geo-Systems
Hydrogeology Teaching and Research Area
Hydrogeophysics Teaching and Research Area
Chair of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology
Institute of Crystallography
Cultural Geography
Chair of Methods for Model-based Development in Computational Engineering
Institute of Applied Mineralogy and Deposit Science
Neotectonics and Natural Hazards Teaching and Research Area
Chair of Physical Geography and Geoecology
Chair of Applied Geophysics 1: Computational Geoscience, Geothermics and Reservoir Geophysics
Petrology and Fluid Processes Teaching and Research Area
Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management
Chair of Economic Geography
Economic Geography of Services Teaching and Research Area
Scientific Computing in Terrestrial Systems Teaching and Research Area
Scientific cooperation and interdisciplinary exchange
The Geoverbund ABC/J is a dynamic alliance of geoscientific institutes and specialist groups of the RWTH Aachen, the University of Bonn, the University of Cologne and the Research Centre Jülich. Our goal is to bundle and network the competences and resources of our four member institutes in research and teaching in order to explore the Earth-Human system in the context of global change.
Since its foundation in August 2009, the Geoverbund ABC/J has made a significant contribution to the pursuit of research strategy topics in the geosciences in the ABC/J region. All professors, scientific staff and students of the affiliated institutes and study programmes are automatically members of our geoscientific network. This strong community enables us to engage in cooperative exchange and thus promotes diverse scientific projects - interdisciplinary and bottom-up.