Competence Centers

The ABC/J Competence Centers bundle expertise on specific research topics - across locations and independent of institutional structures. The Geoverbund ABC/J provides the appropriate framework for this and supports with its many years of experience in the coordination of interdisciplinary collaborative projects.

Through thematically focused research and the networking of existing infrastructures, synergies are activated and the visibility of the ABC/J research region is increased. In addition, the ABC/J Competence Centers play an important role in the education and training of young scientists through structured doctoral programmes and Fall Schools under the umbrella of the Geoverbund ABC/J.


Competence Center Supercomputing

The research focus of HPSC TerrSys is on coupled simulation models. In addition, HPSC TerrSys provides technical and administrative support for access to the Jülich supercomputers.

Competence Center
Clouds and Precipitation

CPEX-LAB pools scientific expertise and coordinates research activities in the fields of clouds and precipitation, thus contributing to the improvement of forecasts.

Competence Center

The aim of HyCoGeo is to gain knowledge and insights into the dynamics of the hydrosphere, which will change significantly in the coming years, by pooling expertise in the Geoverbund ABC/J.

Competence Center

The planned IGSC4i is intended to become a platform for isotope researchers and users that makes the full application potential of all four participating institutions available.

Last Modified: 09.01.2025