Seed Funding
The Geoverbund ABC/J promotes, among other things, the initiation, preliminary and/or main application or establishment of collaborative projects and thus regularly provides impetus for coordinated research that contributes to a further sharpening of the profile within the research landscape. The declared goal of the start-up funding is to further strengthen the visibility of the ABC/J region as a nationally and internationally renowned research region.
In addition to awarding start-up funding, other events such as scientific conferences and workshops or job and internship fairs are also financially supported.
Project outlines in which scientific questions are formulated that are expected to have a high chance of being funded can be submitted regularly to the coordination office of the Geoverbund ABC/J by the deadline. This will next be possible in 2024 - please look out for the corresponding announcements. All applications submitted in due time and form will be discussed at the following steering group meeting. Please contact the Board of Directors of the Geoverbund ABC/J or the Coordination Office in good time before preparing project outlines.